Healthy family habits can shape our children’s current and future health. There are many sources that influence a child including friends, teachers, extended family, television and other media, and more. But the habits they learn at home from their immediate family will have a lasting effect on children throughout their lives. Below we’ve compiled over 40 healthy routines that can influence the development of healthy habits in children and families. Put these to work in your daily life to strengthen your family’s commitment to good health.
Healthy Family Habits to Start Practicing Now
Healthy Family Habits for Nutrition
Keep healthy snacks available in the home.
Plan healthy family meals together.
Cook meals together.
Try new recipes.
Check out our favorite cookbooks for healthy family meals.
Talk during dinner.
Try new foods.
Eat meals together consistently.
Start the day with a balanced breakfast.
Fill water bottles every morning.
Have a grocery shopping routine.
Keep their fruit bowl filled.
Prioritize whole foods and single-ingredient foods.
Healthy Habits for Sleep
Develop healthy bedtime routines.
Turn off devices an hour or two before bedtime.
Take naps.
Get adequate sleep every day.
Healthy Habits for Stress Management
Accept stress as part of life.
Recognize that children have stress, too.
Meditate to manage stress.
Have support systems outside of the home.
Healthy Family Habits for Relationships
Prioritize the marital or partner relationship.
Bury the hatchet with their ex-spouses.
Have a positive view of each other.
Play games together.
Create family traditions of their own.
Set aside time to just be together.
Give each other space.
Encourage each on goals.
Emphasize progress, not achievements.
Talk during commutes.
Explore new places together.
Are genuine when they apologize.
Focus on praise.
Healthy Habits for Technology
Limit use of digital devices.
Put gadgets away before meals.
Limit social media.
Healthy Habits for Activity
Spend time outside together.
Go for walks.
Value being active, not just exercising.
Learn new sports or activities.
Other Healthy Family Habits to Strengthen Your Family
Create family goals together.
Create individual goals.
Have a sense of humor.
Connect with nature.
Keep their home tidy/clean.
They have an emergency fund.
Don’t equate wealth with happiness.
Talk about money openly.
Are familiar with their family health history.
Make their beds every morning.
Protect their skin.
Do chores together.
Practice hand-washing hygeine.
Make Healthy Family Habits a Part of Family Life
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